
The Rabbit:

Name: Septfoil

Age: Senior

Gender: Male (buck)

Coloring: Brown

Physical size: Large

Current rank: Rah -- Chief Rabbit


Septfoil is an untrusting rabbit, but fiercely loyal once you earn his trust. It stems from his history at his old warren. He had just gotten into the owsla, and was doing a fairly good job at the tasks assigned to him. One of the other members joked that the captain might have some competition, but the captain didn't see it like that. He thought Septfoil was trying to overthrow his leadership. So he set a trap. He sent Septfoil and two other owsla members on a mission, a simple garden raid. There was no garden where they were going, but instead two hombil lying in wait. The captain had only arranged for one, and it was to kill Septfoil only. But the homba brought a friend, and they didn't know one rabbit from another. The hombil attacked, and when it was all over, Septfoil was the only one to return to the warren. The captain, seizing the opportunity, disavowed any knowledge of the mission, saying that Septfoil was just reckless and got two good officers killed. Septfoil tried to defend himself, but it was his word against the captain's. He was put under arrest, but he ran off before being confined. Now he doesn't trust anyone, but is loyal to those that he can.

Septfoil's has brown fur and green eyes, and has a tan patch of fur above his right shoulder that is in the shape of a seven-pointed star. His build is fairly muscular, but because of this additional weight he is not a very fast runner. When he first joined, he has no notable scars, partially because he is a fast healer and the fact that he hadn't been in the owsla long enough to get many. Since then he's been in enough battles as Supreme Captain of Owsla, including a noteable one summarized below, to pick up a few. He still wasn't heavily scarred, but he had enough of them to show others that he has had a lot of battle experience. Now, later in his life, he's been through enough battles that he has many more scars, and a story to go along with each one.

Septfoil became rah after killing the previous rah, Caliber. To summarize, the events went like this:


The Human:

Gender: Male

Age: 27




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