The Lapine Dictionary

The Pffefan Dictionary

In Watership Down, the cats have their own language. Sometimes it's hard to understand exactly what's what. Here's a helpful dictionary to aid you in reading and writing all things Watership.


- A: to; at; toward.

- Akor: Eagle.

- An: Sun.

- Ao: No.

- Ao'ka: "no-spirit", Something cursed, said to enemies.

- Ar: Yes.

- Az: Cat; person.

- Az-iri'le: "we-cats", The Folk.

- Az'me: "earth-cat", Tree.

- Cef: Water.

- Cef'az: "water-cat", Fish.

- Cir: Sing; speak.

- Cu: Sibling.

- Cu'nre: "heart-brother", Friend.

- E: Hot.

- E'a: "toward-hot", South.

- Erunor: Sheep.

- Fa: Jump.

- Fe: Mother.

- Fela: Female.

- Fik: Loud, frightening.

- Fik'a: "loud-cat", Dog.

- Fikos: "terrifying badness".

- Fa: Jump.

- Fla: Run.

- Fla-fa'az: "run-jump-cat", Bird.

- Fri: Small.

- Fri'az: "small-cat", Kitten.

- Fri'nre: "small-heart", Sickness, disease.

- Garrin: Bear.

- Har: Father.

- Hlizza: Snake.

- Iri: I; me.

- Iri'le: "many-me", We.

- Ka: Spirit; soul.

- Krauka: Raven.

- La: Birth.

- Le: Many.

- Le'la: "many-birth", Litter of kittens, a friendly blessing between females.

- Ma: Away from; out of.

- Me: Earth.

- Mela: "birth-ground", Nest.

- Mela'an: "sun-nest", Sky.

- Me'mre: "food-soil", Droppings.

- Meskra: Hawk.

- Mre: Eat; food.

- Mre'az: "food-cat", Mouse.

- Mri: Sleep.

- Mri'fa: "sleep-jump", Dream.

- Mri'fa-o: "good dreaming", Good night.

- Nre: Heart.

- Nre'az: "heart-cat", Mate.

- Nre'fa: "heart-jump", Dance.

- Nre'fa-o: "good dancing", Hello; goodbye.

- O: Good.

- Oel: Master; chief. Ex: Azoel - Cheif Cat.

- Oel-cie'va: "Master Old-singer".

- Oel-var'iz: "master seer", Far-senser.

- Os: Bad, incorrect; wrong.

- Os'nre: "bad-heart", Death, dead.

- Praere: Rabbit.

- Pril: Salmon.

- Ptom: Male.

- Qu: Big.

- Ri: Head.

- Rikchikchik: Squirrel.

- Ruhu: Owl.

- Tesri: Deer.

- Ue: Cold.

- Ue'a: "toward-cold", North.

- Va: Old.

- Va'an: "old-sun", West.

- Vaka'az'me: "old-spirit-tree".

- Var: Sight; sense.

- Vez: Young.

- Vez'an: "young-sun", East.


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